Imagine a postcard landscape:strong>palm trees swaying in the breeze/strong>, bright sunshine, crystal clear water… You bite into aong>sun-drenched pineapple/strong>, then a melting mango comes to envelop your palate with an exquisite sweetness. But suddenly, arong>polar chillinvades your mouth./p>
That's exactly itrong>what Liquideo's Freeze Mananas has in store for you!
His ratiostrong>60% PG / 40% VGguarantees a
0 mg/ml: enjoy the freshness of the tropics without nicotine
3 mg/ml: add 1 booster for a perfect balance
6 mg/ml: add 2 boosters for a more intense vape/p>
Want arong>sensory journey between tropical heat and icy chills/strong>?